Main Debates

  • Are states obliged to provide asylum?
  • Does the ’right to asylum’ cover more than protection against refoulement?
  • How do extradition and other criminal law measures interact with the principle of asylum?

Main Points

  • Asylum v. other forms of protection
  • Asylum and the right to entry

Soft Law

  1. United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN General Assembly Resolution, A/RES/217 A (III), 10 December 1948, Art. 14.
  2. United Nations, Declaration on Territorial Asylum, UN General Assembly Resolution, A/RES/2312 (XXII), 14 December 1967.



  1. A. Edwards, ‘Human Rights, Refugees, and the Right “To Enjoy” Asylum’, International Journal of Refugee Law, vol. 17, no. 2 (2005), pp. 293–330.


  1. C. Wouters, ‘International refugee and human rights law: partners in ensuring international protection and asylum’, in N. Rodley and S. Sheeran (eds.), Handbook on International Human Rights Law, (Routledge, 2013), pp. 231-244.
  2. G. Noll, ‘Seeking Asylum at Embassies: A Right to Entry under International Law?’, International Journal of Refugee Law, vol. 17, no. 3 (2005), pp. 542–573.
  3. Purkey, A.L., ‘Questioning Governance in Protracted Refugee Situations: The Fiduciary Nature of the State-Refugee Relationship’, International Journal of Refugee Law, vol 4, (2013), pp. 693-716.
  4. Long, K., ‘In Search of Sanctuary: Border Closures, ‘Safe’ Zones and Refugee Protection’, Journal of Refugee Studies, vol 3, (2013), pp. 458-476.

 II.1.2	AsylumII.1.2 Asylum